Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hey ya'll!! so I just had my first dance concert EVER tonight and it was amazing. I am in three different dances, including Finale, and every time I was about to step on stage i felt the need to turn around and run away. It went great though and I am really proud of all of my dance friends. One girl partially twisted her ankle, but she kept on going and I am SO proud of her for doing that. Anyway, I have two performances to go, and tomorrow is usually the one everyone comes to, since it's Friday and all. I am sure we will have a full house, or close to that tomorrow, that's what it usually is anyway. Soccer people had championships today and I wish I could have seen them. I LOVE soccer, and I really hope they did good. Right before my performance, I prayed over and over again, my key necklace tight in my hand. It's my good luck charm now. Anyway, time for quotes!
Me? Crazy?best quotesYou-can-wear-anything-9.jpg (500×1168)
please excuse the language on that one
go left.

That last one is one of my all time favorite quotes. I know I didn't put a lot on there tonight, but i'm busy.
 Bi ya'll!!

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