Hey Ya'll! So I got home thinking that today was just another day, another boring, mind killing day. Yes I consider it mind killing because we are staring at black and white all day. black and white pages, black and white textbooks and black and white people. Not in the racist way, there are just a lot of flat characters in our grade and I consider them black and white. I thought today was just another day. Then I came home and heard that Nelson Mandela had died today, a few hours ago to be exact. I didn't even know who he was at first, and then I turned on the tv and saw what the news had to say about it. There are no words to describe how much I value this man now. To me, he is more effective than Martin Luther King, and that's saying something. That's in my opinion, of course. If you don't know who he is, he is like gandhi. If you don't know who gandhi is, than you have not understood the meaning of life. Nelson Mandela united north and south Africa and made speeches for what he believed in. He got arrested for standing up for what he believed in and stayed in prison for 27 years. He got arrested at age 50 and got out at age 77. Through his days in his cell he slept on the concrete floor every night. A man in his 70s was sleeping on a concrete floor. You might think that he got bitter after his days in prison. He became one of the best men of all time in prison. I would have this post be all fun and jolly, but I want today to be serious in his memory. My sister says that I will get no where in life and I will have no friends when I'm older because I am rebellious. She also says that I am probably just going through a phase where I am rebellious. No I am not. I am like this and I am like this to stay. Some might say that this is a bad thing, but I just stand up for what I believe in. And I will fight and fight and fight til what is right has been completed. I will show my sister how far I will go in life because I stand up for what I believe in. I will show her and I will show everyone. Because I am not going to be a person who sits back and watches people get hurt. I will not sit back and let myself get hurt. I will not sit back and watch our country fail us. If there is any way I can help my country, or the world, I will do it. No, I am not going to become a soldier. I hate the idea of having a dictator and having to follow their every rule, even if it's wrong. I want to have a voice in the world. And yes a middle-class, Tennessean, student, white girl, may not seem to be anything right now, but if I try hard enough, and I know I will, I can change the world. As cliche as that sounds, it is true. I am asking everyone, right now, that if you have something you believe in, stand up for it. Do not let it wither and die. Do not leave behind, thinking it is a stupid idea. You saw all of the things Martin Luther King did, you saw the things that Nelson Mandela did (hopefully), you saw everything that gandhi did, you saw what all of these people did, whether it was in a book, documentary, etc., you saw it and you have to see that it is possible. You cannot sit back and watch our world fail. If there is problem, DO SOMETHING. That is the least I can say.

You have to hold your own future.

People wonder why I am so different from everybody else. I just don't have that person

Keep Nelson Mandela in your prayers and I dare everyone to stand up for what you believe in and see how far it takes you. To back up my thoughts, listen to Stand in the Rain by Superchick. Bi Ya'll!
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