Hey Ya'll! So I haven't blogged in a few days and this will be my last blog post for the next week and a half, maybe two weeks, depending on how my stupid piece of plastic (AKA Computer) is feeling, and if it wants to work on that day. I am leaving for my trip to South America tomorrow and I am so excited. I won't be able to get wifi down their cause 1. There is a limited supply 2. if there is any, it would cost me a lot of money, so basically I can't use my computer down their, and their is no use in bringing it. I am sad and happy at the same time. I am sad cause I do many things on my computer like listen to music (couldn't live without it), write stories, read stories to improve my technique, communicate with my friends if they are having a bad day to cheer them up, play games when I'm bored, etc. I am happy because in the past few days I have been barely able to do any of that and I have been so mad at my computer, I am cursing it out every day, 4-5 times a day. I usually use Google Chrome, because it just works well for my computer and is fast. It decided to stop working and not try to fix its problems a few days ago, so I have to use Mozilla Firefox. It literally. It told me that Chrome has stopped working and it will tell me if there is a solution to the problem. TELL ME?!?!?! MY COMPUTER DOESN'T TELL ME IF IT HAS AN ISSUE OF ANY KIND AND IT ENDS UP SHUTTING DOWN AND GETTING MESSED UP! SO WHY WOULD IT EVER TELL ME THAT THERE IS A SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEMS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I hate my computer so much and it hates me back. It has been 4 days and no it has not "Told me about a solution". So every day I end up yelling at it "SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" I hate my computer with a passion, to put it in simple form. So I have to use Mozilla Firefox, that I also have installed on my computer. This is a school computer, if you didn't know and I have used Firefox on my previous school computers. It had worked fine and I was able to do everything perfectly. Now since my life hates me, it was gotten screwed up and random ads keep popping up in the middle of everything. Literally, I go to youtube to watch a video and there is 7 ads on there and they all are advertising something and some of them I can't exit out of so I can't listen to anything on youtube, cause the stupid ads will not shut up and end up overpowering the video. And when I am trying to look at ,let's say an email, an ad pops up in the middle of the email and does not move and you can't exit out of it. IT PISSES ME OFF SO BAD!!!!!!!!! Please excuse my language but I am this close - (as long as this line) to punching this computer, but since it's a school computer I would have to pay for it and that would just make me more mad. Yes I have anger issues and having a screwy computer does not help them. And they're not small anger issues either. Let's just say if everybody's anger issues were represented by a dog, I would be a rottweiler ready to rip someone's head off and tear them apart, bone by bone. So it is going to be a relief to not have to deal with my computer. Anyway let's get on with some quotes before I kill someone.

I gave more quotes than usual since I won't be posting in a while. Bi Ya'll!
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