Hey Ya'll!! So I think it's really weird cause based on my stats on my blogger dashboard, people have actually been reading my posts. This just seems weird to me cause I first created this blog to vent and rant about my feelings to no one really, but apparently people have actually read my posts. Strange. Anyway I am stressed to the absolute maximum because exams are approaching and directly after that, I go on a trip to China with some of my classmates. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I am going to a new school next year and I am counting down the days till I don't have to wear this preppy all-girls school uniform anymore. I can't wait to be out of the private school bubble which is filled with over-achievers and idiots. Seriously, though, people who get upset over getting a 90 need to get a grip on their life. And these exams are ridiculous. Last time I checked, ancient history has absolutely nothing to do with me. Like, what's gonna happen in the future? I eat one grain of rice and then I'm magically successful 'cause Qin Shihuangdi lived in China and probably ate rice and he was successful? Does anyone realize how irrelevant all of this is? And honestly, these math application problems aren't application problems. These problems are ridiculously irrelevant. When am I going to need to know how to measure a shoe lace using Algebra? If I was that interested I would unlace the shoe string and measure it with a yard stick. I'm so done with school. Everyone says it gets better as you get older. They're lying, don't listen to them, this is hell. I can't wait for the days where I can go outside and actually enjoy my freetime and not have to worry about that test on Chinese Grammar. JK I never worry about those tests, cause our teacher will count off 1 point if you get 5 questions wrong. The fantastic bonus of having a caring Chinese teacher. Anyway I hope you people, whoever you are are succeeding more than I am right now.

Bi Ya'll!!
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