Hey Ya'll!! So I was rehearsing the dance that I do because I knew that I had a concert to perform it at the next day (today) so I was rehearsing and in one part of our dance we so an arabesque (if you don't know what that is, look it up) and I was practicing that and we have to get our foot in the air with a lot of force, and I did that. What I didn't know is that there was a chair behind me and my foot hit the chair with a lot of force and I was yelping and crawling back to my room it hurt so bad. Yes I yelp when I am in pain, like a dog. Now I think there is some kind of internal bruise because you can't see it but I know it's there and it hurts like Hell. Please excuse my language, but it is a place and they use it in the bible so Ha! Anyway I am getting off topic. So it hurts to walk and it hurts to dance, so I had a lot of trouble today. I had this concert where your grandparents come and meet your teachers and then have tea and cookies in the dining hall afterwards. So I played violin and then I went downstairs to change into my dance costume. I didn't fall in my dance this time and I was very proud, but I didn't really do the turns either cause my foot was being difficult. Anyways, I did our dance for the very last time and it is over and done with, and now I can relax and be lazy. I have school tomorrow and then I have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving. After the break, I have two more weeks till I get out for Christmas break (or Holiday break, whatever you want to call it) so I am pretty good. I have 11 more school days till three weeks off from school, so yeah, I am ok. I still don't have any shows to watch and that is a problem but all of my other shows come back in January and February and they are coming soon and I am SO excited. Anyway,


Bi Ya'll!!
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