Hey Ya'll!! So I have finished all of my dance concerts, all done. I did really good on my first dance concert, and then I sucked at my other two. I fell down both yesterday in the dance concert and today in the dance concert when I was doing turns, So embarrassing. At least I am in the back so it wasn't as noticeable. But I fell and it was really frustrating. But then we had bundt cakes at the end of our last concert and they were SO good. But I'm sure I gained a few pounds so.... Anyway, Afterwards my family and i went to this restaurant to celebrate my brother's birthday which was on thursday. He's 18!! It's so weird cause now he's technically an adult and he can make his own decisions. So weird. But the thing that makes it better, is that he shaved his goatee a few days ago too, so everything is new. But he looks younger now, which is weird again. Anyway, so there have been some issues within my family recently, they're getting better, but they're still a problem. These are serious issues, and they are personal to me. Some of my friends know about it, but they don't realize how serious it is. So one of my friends asked me about it and I answered that it wasn't getting better. She laughed. She frickin laughed. That blew it. I have stuck up with acting different around her, I have dealt with her making a fool out of me in crowds, I have dealt with her humour, which is the opposite of mine, and I have dealt with her opinions, that I could care less for. Then she laughed about a serious issue that hits a nerve within me. That blew it. I am no longer her friend, or i don't consider her one anymore. The thing is, though, is that i know I have to keep acting like her friend, cause if I don't she will go gossiping around and exaggerating everything, making everyone hate me, and in her story make me seem like osama bin laden. I can't tell her how she hurt me cause 1, she won't understand and 2, it's her humour and I can't ask her to change her humour. The lesson from this? Don't be the first one laughing. It's different if someone falls down and they laugh, then you can laugh, but don't be the first to laugh cause you don't know how your actions will affect everybody else. Anyway, now for some quotes

Nothing against blondes, I just found this amusing

Bi Ya'll!!