Hey y'all!! Well it's official! I have been diagnosed with depression. I have expected it for a while but I have officially been diagnosed. But I have yet to do anything about it. I have tried therapy before but it only made me feel weird and guilty in a way and more unloved, i guess. I really honestly just want some medication to fill me with artificial happiness. That would be the easy way out of this whole dilemma. But I dont have that so i am just kind of sitting alone suffering and listening to music (which is affecting my hearing...). I honestly dont know why I'm writing this post. I guess it's just cause I need to tell someone. I havent told my best friend about any of this. I haven't really told anyone, except my mother who said it was just hormone imbalances. That hurt beyond belief that she would rather blame science than actually noticing that her daughter is suffering in isolation. But anyway that's me, telling my mental struggles to absolute strangers. Wow this is so lame. Well besides that, it's good to be back in my little virtual world, since I don't think I've blogged in like 6 months. Well hi, i hope all is well with everyone else.
